Innopro KZE flash pasteurizer
Our Innopro KZE C flash pasteurizer gives you continuous pasteurization that extends the shelf lives of your beverages. At a heat retention period adapted to suit your particular beverage it reliably kills microorganisms and inactivates enzymes in your products. Hot water is circulated according to capacity to warm the product and in the heating section your beverage is heated in a counterflow to pasteurization temperature. Using a plate heat exchanger the Innopro KZE C reliably and safely pasteurizes up to 60,000 liters an hour of beer, wheat beer, clear, low-fiber juice and still and carbonated, fiber-free beverages. Highly viscous products with pulp and fibers are heated using adapted plate heat exchangers in tube form, with monotube or multitube systems used depending on efficiency and flexibility requirements.
- Closing/Sealing Accessories
- Closures/Closing Means
- Machine Parts, Components, Accessories
- Packaging Machinery
- Adhesive Equipment
- Aerosol Equipment
- Applicators
- Aseptic Packaging Machines
- Assembly Machines For Component Parts
- Packaging Materials and Means
- Processing Machinery
- Engineering Design