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NETZSCH Barrel Emptying Systems

NETZSCH Stand: D189

Barrel Emptying System with NOTOS® 2NSH Pump

Hygienic barrel emptying with absolute minimum of product waste

Barrel emptying units pump their way through products, reaching the bottom of the barrel or container in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industry with the absolute minimum waste of product, resulting in less than 1% residual product in the barrel.The heart of the barrel emptying unit is a NOTOS® twin screw pump which enables constant and low-pulsation pumping or a NEMO® progressing cavity pump. With positive displacement it creates a low pulsation flow to convey the product without damage.


  • Dosing Machines
  • Emptying Machines
  • Dosing Machines
  • Emptying Machines
  • Chemical Processing Machines
  • Chocolate Processing Machines
  • Confectionary Processing Machines
  • Cosmetic Processing Machines
  • Dairy Processing Equipment
  • Fish Processing Machines
  • Food Processing Machines
  • Fruit Processing Machines
  • Pharmaceutical Processing Machines
  • Plant Water Treatment
  • Poultry Processing Machines
  • Pumps
  • Vegetable Processing Machines
  • Waste Treatment
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