Safe 3D environment perception opens up new dimensions
With the world’s first 3D time-of-flight camera with performance level c safety certification, SICK is opening a new dimension in safety technology. safeVisionary2 allows safe three-dimensional environment perception that you can use to increase the safety and efficiency of your applications. Thanks to the precise measurement data, the camera also reliably solves automation tasks, thus eliminating the need for you to purchase additional hardware components. safeVisionary2 has a compact, rugged design and is versatile and reliable when used for everyday industrial tasks.
- Bottle Sleeves
- Labels
- Pallets
- Control Technology
- Machine Vision
- Motors And Drive Technology
- Sensor Technology
- Primary Packaging
- R F I D (Radio Frequency Identification)
- Safety Equipment
- Inspection Systems
- Business Support
- Consultancy Services
- Industrial Software And Communication
- Training And Education