06 Feb 2024
Tear Resistance Tester GBD-S
Hylec Controls' Tear Resistance Tester GBD-S
The GBD-S Tear Resistance Tester, utilising the Elmendorf method, is primarily designed for measuring tear resistance in paper and film. This versatile tester is suitable for assessing tear resistance in various materials such as film, PVC, polyolefin, polyester, composite film, sheet, non-woven fabric, textile, paper & board.
- LCD display for test data.
- Independent testing capability without requiring a computer; automated data processing.
- Built-in printer for convenient report printing.
- Pneumatic clamps and pendulum release to prevent systematic errors caused by human factors.
- Software with a user-friendly interface, providing real-time display of test data and curves.
- Packaging Machinery
- Bespoke Machinery Or Machine Development
- Controlled Atmosphere Packaging Equipment
- Drying Machines
- Gas Analysers
- Materials Testing
- Package Testing
- Sealing Machines
- Testing Equipment
- Processing Machinery
- Gas Analysers
- Dust Control Equipment
- Refrigeration Equipment
- Sample Collecting & Testing Systems