Patrick Hutchinson
Patrick has been working within the Australian meat and livestock industry for most of his life. Patrick started as a project officer with the Australian Meat Council (precursor to AMIC) on the same day a restructured Australian red meat industry commenced, on 1 July 1998. Patrick was then asked to head up the first iteration of integrity systems at Meat & Livestock Australia in 2003, including livestock production insurance (LPA), national vendor declaration (NVD), and assisting in the implementation of the national livestock identification system (NLIS).
In 2011 he launched an agricultural advisory business, including working on varied programs, and implementing new welfare and livestock management systems in Australian live export destinations. In 2014 he went back into commercial agribusiness, heading up the ITS global group, including businesses in USA and Canada, with the Canadian software business handling data for over one million cattle in Canadian feedlots.
In 2016 he came back to where it all begun with AMIC, firstly as GM Processing, and then on 1 July 2017 as CEO.
13-Mar-2024Seminar TheatreMeat Industry Day: The Red Meat Sector five years from now